Microsoft's products have always been known for having very user-friendly interfaces. Azure is not different. Seemingly complicated PaaS, IaS and SaaS are all available under one Microsoft Azure umbrella. In this video of BigData Technologies, I explore creating a new cloud computing based Azure Sql server database and then connect it to most common tools SSMS and Visual studio.
Code used in the video
Create table cpt_codes(cptcode int, cpt_desc varchar(2000)); insert into cpt_codes values (62320,'Injection(s), of diagnostic or therapeutic substance(s) (e.g.,anesthetic, antispasmodic, opioid, steroid, other solution),not including neurolytic substances, including needle orcatheter placement, interlaminar epidural or subarachnoid,cervical or thoracic; without imaging guidance'); select * from cpt_codes;
As always, please feel free to comment on this blog or the video, and I will be happy to answer.
MongoDB's popularity has been soaring in the recent years. The first video explores the details of Mongo DB, a sample document/table is created and we also see how to insert a sample Json data and extracting the it.
The second video explores a few popular tools, their installation, and usage. RockMongo and RoboMongo are explored as an example.
HL7 is a set of international standards used by clinical and healthcare providers to exchange information. This video explores using this HL7 data, extracting a few sample fields from it and then saving them into one of the popular NoSql database Cassandra.
Route53 of Amazon webservices is used for all hosting/Routing related needs. This video explores various options for setting up your domain name servers, how to redirect it to AWS and other settings inside AWS to make it redirect to your content on AWS.
In this example i am demonstrating how to redirect your domain to a simple html page stored on AWS, process is the same even if you are redirecting to any app hosted on Amazon web servervices.
This concluding part of Talend project video explores creating sub/child jobs, how to pass data between the two and different strategies to share the data.
Code in subroutines
// Code from
package routines;
public class formatEmails {
public static String formatEmail(char oldRating, char newRating, String typeOfRating) {
String fEmailText="";
if (newRating>oldRating) {
fEmailText=fEmailText+""+typeOfRating +" rating reduced from " +Character.toString(oldRating) +" to "+Character.toString(newRating) +" " ;
if (newRating
fEmailText=fEmailText+""+typeOfRating +" rating improved from " +Character.toString(oldRating) +" to "+Character.toString(newRating) +" " ;
return fEmailText;
It also explores subroutines/functions that helps you reduce the code and modularizes it.
This video explores saving data in Cassandra NoSql database. This video is a continuation of previous one. Apart from saving the data, it also discusses about quick tips on strategies for creating, storing and retrieving data in Cassandra.
Code used in the video
Select * from ss.stockratings where stock='TSLA' order by ratingtime desc limit 1; Insert into ss.ratings(stock ,ratingtime,id,growth_rating,momentum_rating, value_rating,vgm_rating) values ('TSLA',dateof(now()),now(),'A','D','A','F'); CREATE TABLE ss.stockratings ( id uuid, stock text, ratingtime timestamp, growth_rating text, momentum_rating text, value_rating text, vgm_rating text, PRIMARY KEY ( stock, ratingtime,id) );
Talend's tSendMail component can be used to send HTML formatted emails. this Video demonstrates framing a HTML formatted text using the project we were working on.
This is the code that we used in tJavaRow component to extract the rating and create an email body that lists and changes compared to previous rating. Please follow the video get a complete understanding.
/* -- Code from ---- */ String wholepage; String ratings; wholepage=input_row.document.toString(); int pos=wholepage.indexOf("composite_val"); ratings=wholepage.substring(pos,pos+250).replaceAll("[\\[\\]\"]", "").replaceAll(" \n", " ").replaceAll(" composite_val_vgm",""); //output_row.document = ratings; String allratingsonly=""; String[] splitratings = ratings.split("composite_val>"); int i=0;String EmailText="Ratings for : " +context.stock +"" ;for (String eachratingrow : splitratings) { if (eachratingrow.length()>0) { allratingsonly=allratingsonly+";"+ eachratingrow.charAt(0)+""; //allratingsonly=allratingsonly+eachratingrow+"**;"; if (i==0){output_row.z_growth_rating=Character.toString(eachratingrow.charAt(0)); if ( eachratingrow.charAt(0)>input_row.growth_rating.charAt(0)) { EmailText=EmailText+"Growth rating reduced from " +input_row.growth_rating+ " To "+ eachratingrow.charAt(0)+" "; "; } if ( eachratingrow.charAt(0) { EmailText=EmailText+"Growth rating improved from " +input_row.growth_rating +" To "+ eachratingrow.charAt(0)+" "; "; } } if (i==1){output_row.z_momentum_rating=Character.toString(eachratingrow.charAt(0));if ( eachratingrow.charAt(0)>input_row.momentum_rating.charAt(0)) { EmailText=EmailText+"momentum rating reduced from " +input_row.momentum_rating+ " To "+ eachratingrow.charAt(0)+" "; "; } if ( eachratingrow.charAt(0) { EmailText=EmailText+"momentum rating improved from " +input_row.momentum_rating +" To "+ eachratingrow.charAt(0)+" "; "; } } if (i==2){output_row.z_value_rating=Character.toString(eachratingrow.charAt(0));if ( eachratingrow.charAt(0)>input_row.value_rating.charAt(0)) { EmailText=EmailText+"value rating reduced from " +input_row.value_rating+ " To "+ eachratingrow.charAt(0)+" "; "; } if ( eachratingrow.charAt(0) { EmailText=EmailText+"value rating improved from " +input_row.value_rating +" To "+ eachratingrow.charAt(0)+" "; "; } } if (i==3){output_row.z_vgm_rating=Character.toString(eachratingrow.charAt(0));if ( eachratingrow.charAt(0)>input_row.vgm_rating.charAt(0)) { EmailText=EmailText+"vgm rating reduced from " +input_row.vgm_rating+ " To "+ eachratingrow.charAt(0)+" "; "; } if ( eachratingrow.charAt(0) { EmailText=EmailText+"vgm rating improved from " +input_row.vgm_rating +" To "+ eachratingrow.charAt(0)+" "; "; } } i++; } } output_row.EmailText=EmailText;/* - End of Code from --*/