Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Firefox 3 - Be a part of Guiness world record

FireFox 3 is here. Mozilla wants to create a guinness world record. More than 7 million are already downloaded. I haven't explored the plug-ins or other features yet.

Although i have affection for Internet explorer and most of Microsoft products ;) I do like to explore and compare other products. I found was that FireFox has definitely become better compared to its previous versions (yes i have tried version 2 also)
Go ahead, download and be a part of the guiness world record.
checkout how this blog looks on mozilla firefox 3.

Although this blog had perfectly fine layout,
Kannada greetings website was slightly different from how it is in IE (FireFox isn't looking good).That's fine, we have a better performance compared to Internet explorer in FireFox which is the best reason to download. Rest of the new features you can read on its features site. I might post again when i explore some new plug-ins.