Economies are down globally, which means limited funds are available for IT expenditure. As a result Some projects get canceled and others get delayed. This situation affects every stake holder of the projects.
When employees are working for projects they are hammered all the time with work. When they come to business wait most of them spend time time aimlessly. Companies spend great amount of money to keep the team united and up-to-date. In the times of tight situations the incompetent employees get elbowed out by their unhappy managers. fair enough for the companies., To be in business they need nurture the best of the talents and get rid of the weeds.

Here is a list of things that you can do to utilize this precious time.
1. Keep in touch with technology
2. Switch to a new technology
3. Trying out new roles and responsibilities.
This list is also useful to defend how you utilized your time during business wait. If you have used this time to your advantage, the business wait can be a boon to boost your career with new roles and responsibilities.