A classic example by
Conduit about customizing and packaging existing things in to a resourceful product.
This product helps you build your own toolbar with your links and images that you can share with your friends and customers. Take a look at a sample toolbar created.

I still remember those days when i tried myself creating such a toolbar and there was hardly any documentation about how to do it. Now even a newbie can create a toolbar and for free.
These small utilities add value to your website(s). Here is a list of few features offered by this toolbar.
Offer one click access to your websites/blogs and other resources to your loyal customers.
Shows your site to your customers as long as they're online. Host of other services like Chat, Weather, Radio can be plugged in to this toolbar.
Chat with other users who have the same toolbar installed.
Add Contact Us link and the feedback about the toolbar is sent to you as an email.
Add search capability to your toolbar just like google toolbar and choose the search engine too.
You can set up your mail boxes and Get notified when you receive new e-mails to your POP3, Yahoo!, Gmail, or Hotmail accounts
I created a toolbar for my blogs and website. Take a look at it and feel free to use it. Its free from adware, spyware and promotional stuff.